I wasn't very sure even that I could learn to paint. I thought that perhaps I didn't have enough talent, or coordination to do so, but once I started to go through the lessons in the Learn and Master Painting course taught by Gayle Levée, I realized that I could and therefore almost anyone else could too!

I have always loved art, but never really focused on it until I got my first digital camera. I since then have gone into creating art with photo manipulation, but painting always frightened me a little.
I'm not frightened anymore because Gayle is a great instructor. She's always calm and relaxed in the DVD videos in the painting course. She took me step by step from the very beginning. She answered those questions I was embarrassed to ask my art friends like how to clean paint brushes, store paint, how to draw brush strokes, and how to prepare a canvas.
Right now, I'm ready for lesson 6 where you paint two apples as a still life painting following the method used by the "Old Masters" of painting.

The course comes with an amazing binder with all the DVDs in plastic sleeves and the lesson book in a pocket so your investment in the course will stay in good condition. You get started by playing the first DVD video where Gayle introduces the course.